Press Release: Insights 2022 on Belgian Video Games Sector.

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We’re excited to share our latest press release that sheds light on the remarkable growth and dynamics of the Belgian video games sector in 2022. Prepared in collaboration with the Video Games Federation Belgium (VGFB) and a part of the broader BelgianGames initiative, including FLEGA WALGA and, this report dives deep into the annual survey results of the Belgian game companies, painting a comprehensive picture of the sector’s progress.

From the noteworthy increase of video game companies, now tallying up to 133, to the crucial regional growth statistics that highlight Flanders’ pioneering role, this press release is filled with critical data points. It also emphasizes the importance of responsible gaming, parents’ engagement levels, and the evolving mediums favored for gaming.

Furthermore, discover how video games are making significant strides beyond entertainment, promoting ecological awareness, treatment for ADHD, and championing diversity in the sector. The press release concludes with valuable insights into the Belgian companies marking their presence at gamescom, the world’s most extensive games fair.

To delve into these findings and get a holistic view of the Belgian video games landscape.