In a serene, snowy forest depicted through hand-drawn art, a story unfolds—a story of friendship, courage, and a journey home. This is Koira, a new game from Brussels’ own Studio Tolima.
In 2019, Ben Lega took a leap of faith, leaving his steady job to chase a childhood dream: making video games. United by artistry and technical prowess, he and Reginald Nowe started crafting Koira. Fast forward to today, and their labor of love has attracted the eyes of DON’T NOD, the game’s publisher.
No text, no dialogue—just an emotional, immersive narrative experience. Koira invites players to protect a young puppy as they navigate a mystical forest. It’s a tale told through vivid 2D animation and a haunting original score. The adventure is punctuated with intuitive puzzles and encounters with enchanting woodland creatures.
Winter in Koira’s world is both magical and perilous. As players guide Koira and her puppy friend through the forest, they will uncover mysterious powers, confront dangers, and learn the true value of companionship.
Ready to embark on this poetic adventure? Koira is set to release in 2025, with more details to be announced. For a closer look, visit the game’s website or check out their Steam page.
Studio Tolima is a team of passionate creators, each captivated by the poetic narrative that Koira promises. They are crafting this enchanting experience as proud members of the SPACE community.
Stay tuned as we follow Studio Tolima’s journey with Koira, a game that’s already capturing hearts, even before its release.